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What is considered a plumbing emergency?

It can be a nuisance when something within your home isn’t operating as it should, and your plumbing is no exception. Often, it may be that services such as general plumbing and drainage works aren’t enough and you need to call in for some urgent help – but what exactly qualifies as a plumbing emergency?

Some plumbing faults won’t need to be solved immediately, but some will be considered an emergency and will be worth an out-of-hours or weekend visit. These most commonly include those faults which leave you unable to cook or clean. More specifically, the following faults could be considered an emergency, and qualify for an urgent visit from your plumbers.

Burst pipes

A burst pipe is one of the most commonly dreaded plumbing faults. They can cause havoc and, if left untreated, a large amount of damage to your home. Depending on where the fault is located, this could be your belongings or even the structure of your home. The key when dealing with a burst pipe is to act fast. The stop valve will need to be located and shut off to stop the surge of water, and the burst section will need to be located. If you cannot locate the faulty area, you will be left without running water, and this qualifies as a plumbing emergency.

Faulty immersion heater

In many minds, hot water is considered a luxury, but homes without hot water do in fact qualify for an emergency plumbing visit – especially if they contain vulnerable people or young children. A faulty water heater will struggle to provide you with warm or hot water, and this could lead to a risk of health and wellbeing. If your immersion heater fails, call your plumber for an emergency call out.

Overflowing toilet

Overflowing toilets can be caused by many things, all of which could result in the mains needing to be switched off. These include a clog within the drain or broken float mechanism. With the mains turned off, the water flow into your home will be stopped. This is the factor which would be considered a plumbing emergency and qualify your local plumber to visit your home for urgent plumbing support.

Frozen pipes

Frozen pipes require you to act in a similar way to burst pipes – fast! Locating the stopcock and turning the flow of water off is vital to prevent any damage from occurring. You must then locate the faulty area, and if you struggle to do so, you will need to keep the water shut off for an extended period of time – qualifying your fault for an emergency visit from your plumber.

At Bromley Plumbers, our highly-skilled team are on hand to help with those urgent plumbing faults. You can depend on us to locate the root of the issue and rectify any problems that have been caused by it, leaving your home in reliable, working condition. For any enquiries or assistance, give us a call on 0208 050 2707 or send us an email at


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