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How to unblock your shower drain


Discovering that your shower is blocked can be very frustrating, but it is not an uncommon issue to encounter. With all the hair, soap, and other debris that runs down the drain during a shower, you are bound to experience a blockage at some point. That’s why it is important to know what action to take when your shower water isn’t disappearing as quickly as it usually does. If you know what to do in the event of a blocked drain, you can save yourself the time and money that it will cost you to call a plumber for a repair service.

First step 

There is a chance that you will be able to clear your shower drain relatively easily. The first thing you should do is boil some water, allow it to rest for a few minutes, and pour it down your shower drain. This will hopefully unclog your pipes and allow water to run away freely – just make sure not to use the water while it’s at boiling point to ensure that your pipes do not get damaged.

If that doesn’t work

If hot water doesn’t resolve the issue, then you may have to shift the blockage yourself. Take the cover off your plughole and use a torch to see if you can spot what is causing the problem. If you cannot reach the blockage by hand, then try using a hook, straightened coat hanger, or plumbers snake to pull out whatever is clogging your shower drain.

Take the plunge

As a well-known method for clearing drains, using a plunger could be an ideal solution if the blockage is not too deep in your plughole. Apply some Vaseline around the edges of your plughole to give your plunger more suction if you are struggling to remove whatever is affecting your shower drain.

Try something different

Whilst it may not be the first thing you would think to use to unblock a shower drain, combining white vinegar and baking soda could be the solution that you are looking for. First, pour a cup of baking soda into your shower drain and wait for a few minutes. Follow this up by pouring in a cup of white vinegar. Put the plug back in and allow the bubbling to take effect for around an hour, before pouring hot (not boiling) water down the drain. Hopefully, the mixture of white vinegar and baking soda will have loosened the blockage in your drain, allowing the hot water to flush all the debris away. If this does not work, repeat the process one more time.

Turn to drain unblocking chemicals

There is one more method that you can try if everything else has failed – using a chemical solution to unblock your drain. You should be able to find a range of options in your local DIY store or supermarket. After you have closely followed the instructions laid out on the bottle and poured hot (not boiling) water down your drain, the blockage should finally be cleared. Try not to use chemical solutions to unblock your drain too often as excessive usage can cause damage to your pipes.

If nothing else works…

Once you have tried all these suggestions without success, your only option will be to contact a professional plumber. Here at Bromley Plumbers, we specialise in unblocking shower drains efficiently. No matter the age or condition of your shower, we have the necessary expertise to get your drain functioning properly again. Give us a call on 0208 050 2707 to discuss your requirements.


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