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5 ways to save water this autumn

None of us are strangers to the situation of rising living costs, and we are confident that we aren’t the only ones taking a look at our daily routines and assessing which actions we could take to cut back on our bills. One factor we know could make a difference is water usage. Water is used around the clock on a daily basis, from your morning showers to filling up that glass of water before bed. Saving water could be easier than you think – in fact, we know 5 ways you could decrease your water usage. Why not try them out?

1. Invest in a water butt

Being in the UK, we are no strangers to rainfall and moving into autumn we can expect to receive a bit more than we have done this summer! By investing in a water butt for your garden, you can make use of the natural rainfall. A water butt works to collect rainwater and, through a tap on the bottom, lets you fill your watering can to water your plants on those drier days. There will be no need to use your hosepipe or kitchen tap!

2. Check for leaks

No matter how small, a leak in your home could lead to a large loss of water over time. There will be no harm in regularly assessing the condition of the pipes throughout your property. The more frequently this is done, the less time you could spend wasting water if you were to find a leak!

3. Cut down your shower times

At this time of year, there can often be nothing better than a long, hot bath – especially after a long day or on those frostier mornings. Without spoiling this for you, we would advise cutting down on your water consumption by avoiding regular baths. Sticking to a 5-minute shower will use 45 litres of water on average. That is a whole 45 litres less than filling a bath would use!

4. Rely on the dishwasher

This one often surprises people. Did you know that using the dishwasher to clean your utensils, crockery and cutlery could use around 50% less water than you would use if washing up by hand? So long as you steer away from using extensive modes such as ‘pre-rinse’ or ‘heat dry’, and only switch the machine on once full, you could be saving a great volume of water!

5. Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth

When it comes to brushing your teeth, can you remember if you leave the tap on? Many of us aren’t even aware of whether we carry out this action because we’re so focussed on making those pearly whites cleaner than ever. A tap left running for 2 minutes can use up to 12 litres of water – and we need to brush our teeth twice a day. That’s 24 litres of water per person, each day, quite literally going down the drain! The simple act of turning the tap off could save a large amount of water each day, saving you money in return.

At Bromley Plumbers, we are on hand to provide you with general and emergency plumbing works that could help you to save water. Give us a call on 0208 050 2707 or send us an email at to enquire today.


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